पशु शेड योजना के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन, फायदे एवं पात्रता 2024

पशु शेड योजना

Pashu Shed Yojana:- पशुपालकों को पशु शेड बनाने के लिए धन देकर प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए बिहार में Pashu Shed Yojana 2023 शुरू किया जा रहा है। इस योजना के तहत लाभार्थी पशुपालकों को उनके पशुओं के आधार पर शेड बनाने और उनका उचित रखरखाव और देखभाल करने के लिए आर्थिक सहायता दी जाती है। … Read more

Alan Arkin dies at 89, Alan Arkin, Oscar-winning ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ actor

Alan Arkin

In a world that reverberates with echoes of cinematic brilliance, there arises a poignant moment as we bid to the unparalleled genius of Alan Arkin. Alan Arkin born on March 26, 1934 in New York, U.S., The great actor, who etched an indelible mark in the hearts of countless admirers with his extraordinary performances, has … Read more

Supreme Court Shakes Higher Education: Affirmative Action Programs at Harvard and U.N.C.

Affirmative Action

What Is Affirmative Action That US Supreme Court Ruled Against Harvard University | University of North Carolina | U.N.C. | UNC | Affirmative action | In a groundbreaking ruling that reverberates throughout the nation, the United States Supreme Court has unequivocally rejected affirmative action programs at two prestigious institutions, Harvard University and the University of … Read more

Dance of Canadian Wildfires 2023, Canadian wildfires are causing the worst air in the US in cities like Chicago and Detroit Canadian Wildfires


In a chilling turn of events, the relentless rage of Canadian wildfires has captured the attention of the world, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The perplexity of these natural infernos intertwines with the burstiness of their ever-changing dynamics, creating a symphony of chaos and awe. Today, we delve into the enigmatic areas … Read more